четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Qld: New police powers for Aboriginal communities slammed

Qld: New police powers for Aboriginal communities slammed

Civil libertarians are warning that new police powers governing Aboriginal communitiesare open to abuse and could have serious consequences for those they are meant to help.

The Queensland government says it will introduce new laws allowing police to randomlyseize alcohol and property and search cars in the state's 19 Aboriginal communities.

The laws are intended to help stem spiralling alcohol abuse by stamping out illegalalcohol sales.

But Queensland Council for Civil Liberties vice-president TERRY O'GORMAN says the extrapowers are too open to abuse.

He says significant police powers not exercised against the wider community would beused against Aborigines in remote areas with limited oversight.

Aboriginal leaders say the plan ignores the root causes of alcohol abuse such as illiteracy,unemployment and homelessness.

AAP RTV nt/sc/jas/jmt e


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