четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Fed: Crean urges Howard to pass amended ASIO laws

Fed: Crean urges Howard to pass amended ASIO laws

CANBERRA, Dec 13 AAP - Opposition Leader Simon Crean today urged Prime Minister JohnHoward to pass amended ASIO laws and to stop playing on public fears about terrorism.

Mr Crean said the laws amended by the Senate early today would give ASIO the toughestlaws and regime to question people about terrorism.

The controversial laws would enable ASIO to detain and question people as young as14 for extended periods without access to legal representation.

But Labor wants more protection for children under 18 years, and to allow a detainedperson to choose a lawyer to represent them.

The legislation remains deadlocked in parliament after an all-night sitting.

The Senate's amendments are due to be voted on by the House of Representatives later today.

Mr Crean said the government still had time to pass the new laws today.

"The Bill can still pass," Mr Crean said.

"It is only John Howard who won't provide a solution. He'll play on the fear, but hewon't provide a solution."

AAP jg/kjp/mg


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